Bucks Night! Some Things a Best Man Will Definitely Want to Consider
Posted on: 13 February 2018
It's been decided. You're not only a good man… You're the best man. While there is a strong feeling of bromance or mateship (to put it in more Australian language), with great honour comes great responsibility. So, as for the bucks party? That's on you, mate! But not to worry if you don't know where to get started, since here are some top tips to help you organise a brilliant bucks party.
Arranging a Date
Having the bucks party the night before the wedding is (hopefully) something that only happens in movies. Don't do it. You don't want your mate to be hungover and just exhausted since this doesn't usually make for the happiest day of someone's life. And of course, you'd be feeling the exact same way. Around 56% of weddings in Australia happen on a Saturday. If your friend's wedding is one of them, this is helpful. Arrange the bucks party for the weekend before (or even the weekend before that). A weekend party allows more people to attend and gives ample time for recovery in time for the ceremony.
Choosing What to Do
Don't assume everyone is cashed up. So before you start making grand plans about a boy's weekend away, you need to consider whether it's going to be financially realistic for everyone involved. A more local, even classic option can be a better bet that ensures nobody is going to be left out.
A day of paintballing followed by a night at the pub is simple and fun, and allows for some (good-natured) competitiveness.
A fishing charter can be lowkey and enjoyable, but this is only if the groom himself is a fishing lover.
Why mess with a classic? Opt for a good old fashioned pub crawl. If the bucks party is going to involve heavy duty alcohol consumption, keep everyone secure (as much as is possible). A bucks party bus hire helps to keep your group together and safe.
Avoid any contact sports, since however unlikely it might be, you don't want the groom to have to limp down the aisle on crutches!
The Guest List
You will probably have a rough idea of who to invite, but it's always smart to run the list by the groom. He might have a few work colleagues he wants to invite who you're unfamiliar with and wouldn't have considered. He might also want to veto a few names on the list in case he's not as close to them as you thought.
While you want to have as much fun as possible, remember to keep a watchful eye on the groom to make sure he's not overdoing it. And by keeping an eye on him, you might spot a few funny things that can go in your best man's speech!